Art Giveaway

The past several months have been an whirlwind for me and I'm incredibly grateful. So as a way to say "thank you" to my supporters I've decided to give away some art. 

For the next 3 months someone on my mailing list will win an original piece of art. Winners will be chosen randomly and announced in the following month's newsletter.  Make sure you are signed up and then share with your friends and family. If someone you referred wins the monthly drawing for artwork, you will receive a free set of my notecards as a thank you. 

Don't miss this opportunity to win an original work of art, subscribe and share now.

Thank you again.

Inspired Travels

God's country.

God's country.

This spring will take me to two of the most beautiful places on the planet: Wyoming and then Hawaii. Jackson Hole, WY is one of my all-time favorite destinations (although I am partial to Florence, Prague, and Barcelona.) International locales aside, it's tough to beat JH.  The mountains. The people. The skiing. The art. I am never ready to leave.  Every direction you look could be an image on a postcard. It's breathtaking. Next time I plan on bringing my paints and easel with me for a little plein air work. Until then photos will have to suffice.

For the past couple months I've been researching galleries and I used part of our time in WY for a little reconnaissance work. I think I have found a couple that might be a good fit for my work. Fingers crossed they feel the same. It's always scary to put your work (translation: yourself) "out there." Any rejection feels so personal. But I am learning that the sting of rejection doesn't compare to the torment of regret.  So I'm going to be brave. My goal this month is to finish my research, put together some gallery packets and send them out. Gulp. Wish me luck.

*That's Stephen, waiting on me to stop taking pictures :)

*That's Stephen, waiting on me to stop taking pictures :)

My worlds collide ;)

My worlds collide ;)

 Leaving the airport. Takes my breath away every time.


Leaving the airport. Takes my breath away every time.

View from the lift.

View from the lift.

Looking at Women with Girls, Inc.

Express Yourself: Workshop about Beauty and Image  at Theatre Memphis

Express Yourself: Workshop about Beauty and Image  at Theatre Memphis

Looking at Women: Workshop at the Brooks Museum of Art

Looking at Women: Workshop at the Brooks Museum of Art

Le Bonheur Children's Hospital Christmas Party

Le Bonheur Children's Hospital Christmas Party

Several weeks ago I was asked to help facilitate a Girls University workshop at the Brooks Museum of Art. This was my first time volunteering with the Girls, Inc. organization and like so often happens when we give of ourselves,  we get much more in return. 

The two-part workshop was centered around the temporary exhibition "Looking at Women."  The exhibition explored some of the ways women have been represented in art (including the role of goddess, mother, femme fatale, etc.) By looking at a wide range of examples we were able to examine differing and evolving viewpoints. During the two sessions participants explored the role of women in art, society, and culture.  Using examples from the  exhibition and museum's permanent collection, they communicated their reactions and reflections through discussions, journaling and sketching.  It was especially interesting for me to see and hear how young women (with no art background) interpreted the work.

This has been part of a larger journey for me to find meaning, to contribute in some way to the greater good and my community. Admittedly, my first instinct is to promote, volunteer, and donate to animal shelters and charities but was  a cause deserving of  an exception.

The Girls, Inc. organization "aims to empower all girls to be strong, smart, and bold". . . a worthy goal if I've ever heard one. Through a wide variety of programing  (ranging from Google's Made with Code to workshops in visual and performing arts to an  introduction  to organic farming and local chefs using the "farm to table" concept) Girls University works to promote the Girls, Inc organization's mission to empower all girls. If you're interested in Girls, Inc or the Girls University Program, I encourage you to learn more and become involved in whatever way works for you.

Click the following links for more information Girls University (Memphis), Girls, Inc. (Memphis) and Girls, Inc. (National).

Urban Art Commission: Mural Painting at Roxy's Grocery 

Urban Art Commission: Mural Painting at Roxy's Grocery 

Wrapped Up: The Check is in the Mail

I admire altruism. Often falling short, I still I aspire to it.  Yes, I acknowledge there is perhaps  a sliver of selfishness in any good deed....  because, well.... they just make you feel so dang good. But even outside of the actual "deed" it feels good to find your tribe. It is encouraging and comforting for me to see so many people "pulling on the same rope in the same direction."   Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about animals and admittedly those feelings don't always translate well to humans.  So the biggest surprise for me was you, and my subsequent feelings for you, the people who are invested in the Tunica Humane Society on so many levels.  

With the perspective of a couple weeks and a little sleep, I am able to now consider my first 30 in 30 challenge a success.  But successful for reasons I never expected. Yes, I hoped to raise a significant (whatever that means) amount of money (and I think we did) but I didn't expect to find my tribe.  People from all over the globe, united by their compassion,  love of animals, and commitment to the well-being of these abused, ignored and forgotten souls.

So, as it often is when we volunteer, donate, or give of ourselves in some way, I have received more than I could ever give. But here's a start, today I am mailing THS a check for over $2200 (when and if the remaining paintings sell, I'll send additional payments.) This donation was made possible by all of you. It is difficult for me to articulate how grateful and humbled I am by your generosity and kind words. Instead I'll simply say thank you. Thank you from me and thank you from the many animals whose lives will be improved because of your altruism. 

Please sign up for my newsletter and blog, 'Like' my Facebook page, and share with anyone you think might be interested. 

I'm still receiving inquiries about available paintings (CLICK HERE if you're interested) so I will probably wait a few more days to total up the donations. I'll post a detailed recap in my February newsletter, so if you haven't already, be sure to sign up to receive updates. I'm also brainstorming other ways to fundraise for THS and a few additional charities I support so forthcoming information will be shared via the newsletter, blog, and FB page

Wrapping Up (almost)

I can't believe it's over. This has been one of the longest and shortest and most exhausting and energizing months I can remember. There were lots of very early mornings, many late nights, and more paintbrushes in wine glasses than I care to admit. I've learned a lot and hopefully found a way to successfully  connect and help others.

One of my favorite (and completely unexpected)  surprises this month was learning about all of you. You became an inspiration. I received many heartfelt messages and emails with your stories. Tales about your dogs (and a cat or two)  many with tragic, unfathomable beginnings and their remarkable recoveries. To those who have inquired about commissions, I am excited to work with you and love the idea of being  a part of commemorating  your pet's incredible impact and importance in your lives. 

You inspired me and you enlightened me. Sadly we live in a volatile and violent society.   Nightly news reports are  scary and depressing (especially around here.)  My disappointment and disgust with the human race is  unfortunately confirmed daily in a multitude of ways. But this month I felt a flicker of  hope. Maybe I was delirious from 4 hours of sleep a night but reading your thoughtful posts, comments, and emails has helped restore  some of my flagging faith in our society.  Busy people who are working tirelessly to improve the lives of abandoned and abused souls gives me hope. People who struggle to  pay their monthly bills and somehow find a few extra dollars to donate to causes dear to them, you inspire me. You push me. Force me to ask and consider what else I can do. If I've decided this is my shelter, how can else I contribute? More on that later.

I was terrified to begin this journey even privately. Deciding to share my potential fails publicly makes me nauseous. Even in case the paintings weren't embarrassing, we live in a world faced with an epidemic of over-sharing and I don't want to be a contributor to the self-indulgent, narcissistic culture which has become so common place.

Once I decided to  face my anxiety (gulp) the next hurtle was the "painting a day" goal. Simply put, it  goes against my nature. I blame my ADD. I like to bounce from one project to another and another and another. I've learned I' m most productive when working on several pieces at a time and that time often spans weeks and months. I wasn't sure how I felt about committing publicly to share work I knew was likely going to be unfinished. I'm still not comfortable with the 24 hour deadline. But I did it and I appreciate the encouraging words along the way. I probably would have missed a day or two if I didn't know you were following along.  And I hope you will continue to follow along during my artistic journey. Please sign up for my newsletter and blog, 'Like' my Facebook page, and share with anyone you think might be interested. 

I'm still receiving inquiries about available paintings (CLICK HERE if you're interested) so I will probably wait a few more days to total up the donations. I'll post a detailed recap in my February newsletter, so if you haven't already, be sure to sign up to receive updates. I'm also brainstorming other ways to fundraise for THS and a few additional charities I support so forthcoming information will be shared via the newsletter, blog, and FB page

I'm mailing out another set of paintings today, so if you're waiting (and your painting was from the first half of the month) keep an eye out...

Day 30, Dog 30 - Full Circle

Day 30 brings us to the dog who began it all for me. The little black puppy who captured hearts around the world. The dog whose tiny, frail hunched-up body turned the stomachs of animal lovers everywhere. The starving, abandoned baby who, while forced to eat rocks to survive, introduced tens of thousands to the Tunica Humane Society and their mission. His story captivated the internet and he quickly became the poster child for "the little shelter that could."  

Joey brings me full circle. It was his story that convinced me THS was my shelter. I became emotionally invested in the residents of THS. Even though I had yet to meet them, I found myself caring deeply about Tommy Boy, Becker, Noel, Biscuit, Grace (just to name a few.)  Of course I wanted to help these animals but I also had become attached to the women and volunteers working tirelessly to save these animals who had been ignored, abused and discarded by society. This was my shelter.

And if you are reading this, this is your shelter too.

Although is my last official painting of the 30 in 30 challenge, I will finish the "back up" painting I began during my Jonah meltdown this weekend and post a final summary from the month sometime this weekend. Please share with anyone you think might be interested and thanks, as always, for following along.

CLICK HERE to purchase this painting. Half the purchase price will be donated to the Tunica Humane Society.

Day 29, Dog 29

Best grin ever. I know pit bulls get a bad rap but seriously, look at that grin. Cheesing. I've seen  press coverage recently of our neighbors to the south fighting proposed legislation in Mississippi targeting the breed. I say send Frankie and his smile. Dangerous? Just look at that mega-watt grin. Many of you know Frankie's story. Rescued from the streets, recovered in a loving foster home and now a resident of PA he certainly  has a lot to smile about.

One more day. I hope you will share this (and previous) posts with any animal and/or art lovers.

CLICK HERE to purchase this painting. Half of the purchase price will be donated to the Tunica Humane Society.

Day 28, Dog 28

Okay. Admittedly I've had some struggles during this 30 day challenge and yes, I know I'm not done yet. I really tried not to talk about, share, or focus on the struggles during this process. Reflecting on the past 4 weeks, I see most  of my issues had to do with the ridiculously fast (translation: nearly impossible)  time frame. I mean really? I can spend weeks (okay, months) on a single piece:  30 in 30 days? What the 'F' was I thinking? I've been on warp speed for four weeks, ignoring my horse, family, friends, job, housecleaning, laundry, etc.  Maybe the fact I made it to day 28 before I felt compelled to write this is a victory. 

Day 28 brought me to Jonah. This tiny, frail, broken baby reminded me so much of Joey, whose impossibly sad images still haunt me. So I have spent the day (beginning at 5 am) trying to capture and honor him/them. But it was a fail. Every time I drew (and redrew) then painted (and repainted) his image he just  looked so sad. And frail and pitiful. Because he is. Yes, he's a fighter. Beating the odds everyday and I absolutely want to celebrate him (and the people working so hard to save him) but the images didn't do him justice. They  aren't what he will be. They aren't the happy, healthy dog I know he will become....

So this is why the 28th day is the first "abstract" day. Painted primarily with a palette knife I wanted to capture his essence, his future (not his current reality.) And while  I realize that the traditional viewer probably won't respond well to the "chaos" I just couldn't bear to memorialize him in a realistic/representational way,  as a victim.  It just isn't what he will be.  So it won't be what I make him. So there it is, my first major departure. I have started a more traditional "back up" painting which I'll share at some point tomorrow. Guess that means I'll have 31 in 30.

Nonetheless, there only a couple days left in my fundraiser. I don't foresee the internal conflict in representing the remaining pups, so I hope everyone will continue to support and follow.  CLICK HERE to purchase this painting. Half of the purchase price will be donated to the Tunica Humane Society.


*Jonah's story and updates below


Our little warrior is stronger today than he was yesterday. He is moving around more, sitting up and obviously feeling better than he was last night. He gave us a real scare yesterday but I knew after talking with Dr. Kristie, he was in the best of hands, we just have to be patient about his progress. She has monitored his condition around the clock and given me constant updates and that has meant the world to us.

Our major concern for Jonah is the fact that very little substance is leaving his stomach and moving into his intestines. He still has critical problems there. He may be facing some additional surgery in the next few days to see exactly what is going on but for now, Dr. Kristie says we should stay the course and see what the next couple of days bring. She wants him to get his strength back so he will be able to go thru additional procedures, if needed. 

Jonah is a fighter, for sure. All of us are fighters. All of you following him are fighters. Dr. Kristie is a fighter. Seems we are all fighting together to save this precious innocent dog.... Faith and Love, It's A Beautiful Thing...."


I just got off the phone with Dr. Kristie and our little fella is responding well to his emergency care. They have just about completed his blood transfusion and his gums are already pink. Now that his body temperature has been restored, he is up and standing in his kennel. She said he almost took her hand off when she offered him a small amount of food. Thank you so much for praying for Jonah. I wouldn't have given him a chance when we found him late today. The Power of Prayer and a caring, compassionate vet. It makes all the difference in the world."

"Our Little Miracle Dog - Jonah.....

Honestly, I never thought I would have the opportunity to post an update picture on Jonah. I am so amazed that this little dog has survived after finding him in the condition we did. When I first spotted Jonah's starved and lifeless body on the cold ground, I thought it was already over. When I wrapped him in a blanket and placed him in Melissa's car, I thought he was already gone. He was cold to the touch. His eyes were unresponsive. But because of the quick actions by a very special vet when Jonah first arrived at the hospital, I am able to post a precious picture of our little warrior today.

Jonah survived a very tough surgery. And today, he felt strong enough to stand on his own. He's not totally out of the woods but as I have said, he is doing everything in his power to meet us halfway. This little dog wants to live so our battle is halfway won.

Thank you again for praying for Jonah. All of the candles burning for Jonah have touched our hearts deeply. Some people are thinking, he's just a dog... But to us, he is so much more. He is an inspiration and he has united an army of people, raising their voices together in prayer. All for the love of one little dog that was wrongly abused."

"Prayers for Jonah....

For those of you that have followed our shelter for years, you know the story of "Joey"... Joey was starved beyond belief and by the Grace of God, we saved him. What has always tormented me about Joey's journey, is that no one was ever held accountable for the unforgivable abuse that Joey suffered. Forced to eat rocks and sticks to stay alive while the neighborhood went on around him. The only difference here with "Jonah" is that I KNOW who this little dog belongs too. And I am going to do everything in my power to see that this owner is held accountable for the suffering and pain this dog has endured. I am asking you to pray for Jonah because only a miracle can save him now. This dog has nothing left to fight with but our prayers.

I wasn't prepared for this tonight. My heart wasn't prepared for this. I know Melissa wasn't prepared for what we found because we were both choking back our tears. I asked Melissa to come along with me on what I thought was going to be a routine complaint, someone's dog in a neighbor's yard. The lady wanted the dog removed from her front door. We get these calls all the time. I would give anything if this call had come in months ago because sadly, I am afraid we are too late for Jonah.

This broken little dog is now at the emergency hospital. They couldn't even get a temperature on him when Melissa arrived. His body was cold from exposure. His stomach is compacted with bone fragments and trash. They have him on heating pads and they are desperately trying to flush out his system so he can have passage again. He is going to need a blood transfusion and they are getting that in place right now. I know in my heart, they are doing all that they can to bring him back from death's door. The problem is, Jonah will have to meet them halfway. Pray now that he can find the strength to do that. Pray now that he has the will to live just like our Joey... I believe in Miracles, always have. I choose to believe that this innocent dog will one day know what kindness and compassion and love feel like. The human race owes it to him......"

"Just talked with Dr. Kristie a few minutes ago. She had to do surgery on Jonah late this afternoon because the mass in his stomach was not moving. It's a good thing she decided to move forward with the surgery because Jonah had a whole carcass of bones and fur in his tummy. She's not sure what it was he had eaten but it wasn't going anywhere and was going to be fatal tohim. When dogs are starved to this degree, they will eat just about anything to stay alive. His stomach was flushed out, everything cleaned up and he is now awake and doing well, considering all he has been through. This was major surgery for this little dog so please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I named him Jonah for a reason. And he isn't disappointing me. What a little miracle...."


"Our little hero continued to improve overnight. His blood count in now up where it should be, thanks to the blood transfusion. He is extremely interested in eating but they have to go ever so slow with feeding him at this point. His doctor's biggest concern is that the mass of garbage and bones in Jonah's stomach doesn't seem to be breaking up and passing through his system. They plan on repeating his x-rays later this afternoon to see if there is any change. It is a possibility that Jonah will have to have surgery to clean out all of the debris he has ingested just trying to survive. But he is stable and he is meeting his doctors halfway so we are very optimistic about Jonah's future. In the meantime, some people around the country are burning candles for Jonah... How beautiful is that."

Day 27, Dog 27

Additional interest in Lily convinced me she deserved another day. So here it is...Lily part 2 (CLICK HERE to see part 1.)

Lily is yet another dramatic THS transformation. A  dog with big personality and an even bigger heart. Maybe I'm projecting but she always looks like she's thinking something, like  her wheels are constantly turning and she probably  does know more than us. .

Only 3 days left in the fundraiser so I hope you will share with as  many people as possible  so we can raise the most money possible for the shelter. Half of all purchases will be donated to the Tunica Humane Society.

CLICK HERE to purchase this painting.

Day 26, Dog 26

Sky wasn't initially on my "dog calendar" for today but after seeing the heartfelt posts on the THS Facebook page, I scrapped my original plan. Just in case you missed them I thought I would share some of the images and commentary here.

With only a few days left, I hope you share this (and past) posts with anyone you think might be interested in supporting the Tunica Humane Society.

CLICK HERE to purchase this painting. Half of purchase price will donated to THS.


"I have been rescuing dogs for years but few have touched my heart like Sky. It has been almost a year since she came to live with us. We have watched her transform from a feral homeless dog to one of the most loving dogs at our shelter. She is a shinning example of why we never give up on these animals. They come to us so broken, none more broken than Sky. And day by day by day, we make progress with them. Baby steps but it is so worth it when they come out on the other side, like Sky. This precious dog makes all of the daily sacrifices so worth it.

Sky is leaving us this week to go to her forever home in Wisconsin. She is going to live with the same family that drove halfway across the country to adopt 2 of her beautiful puppies months ago. They are a wonderful family and Sky will have a beautiful life. The life she has always deserved.

A huge piece of our hearts is going with this one when she leaves. Sky represents everything we try to achieve. Heal them, encourage them, love them and their lives will become whole. Sky is ready to spread her wings. It doesn't make it any easier to let her go. Here I am crying and she's not even gone....."


"SKY met her new family this morning. They are spending the day with her so she can get to know them before making the long drive back to Wisconsin tomorrow. Watching her as she responded to Angela and Dave, made my heart burst with pride. She has come so far in her journey from being a feral dog to a beautiful, loving creature that is going to give her family so much joy. I am so proud of Sky and the amazing dog she has become while in our care."